
CBCIE Weekly Frontier Selection (7.8-7.14)

CBCIE Time:Jul 15, 2024 11:11 Source:sciencedaily


Headline: Researcher finds lithium ion batteries a growing source of pollution

■ Release Date: 2024.7.8

■ Published by: Texas Tech University

■ Keywords: lithium, battery, pollution

■ Abstract:

The use of certain substances in batteries is polluting air and water.

Headline: New extremely fast carbon storage technology

■ Release Date: 2024.7.8

■ Published by: University of Texas at Austin

■ Keywords: carbon storage, carbon capture, accelerants

■ Abstract:

A new way to store carbon captured from the atmosphere works much faster than current methods without the harmful chemical accelerants they require.

Headline: Hexagonal perovskite oxides: Electrolytes for next-generation protonic ceramic fuel cells

■ Release Date: 2024.7.8

■ Published by: Tokyo Institute of Technology

■ Keywords: perovskite, electrolytes, fuel cells

■ Abstract:

Researchers have identified hexagonal perovskite-related oxides as materials with exceptionally high proton conductivity and thermal stability. Their unique crystal structure and large number of oxygen vacancies enable full hydration and high proton diffusion, making these materials ideal candidates as electrolytes for next-generation protonic ceramic fuel cells that can operate at intermediate temperatures without degradation.

Headline: Detecting defects in tomorrow's technology

■ Release Date: 2024.7.9

■ Published by: DOE/Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

■ Keywords: silicon, computer, chips

■ Abstract:

New research offers an enhanced understanding of common defects in transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) -- a potential replacement for silicon in computer chips -- and lays the foundation for etching smaller features.

Headline: Researchers fabricate ultrastrong aluminum alloys for additive manufacturing

■ Release Date: 2024.7.9

■ Published by: Purdue University

■ Keywords: aluminum, alloy, plastic

■ Abstract:

Material engineers have created a patent-pending process to develop ultrahigh-strength aluminum alloys that are suitable for additive manufacturing because of their plastic deformability. They have produced the alloys by using several transition metals that traditionally have been largely avoided in the manufacture of aluminum alloys.

Headline: Moving from the visible to the infrared: Developing high quality nanocrystals

■ Release Date: 2024.7.9

■ Published by: University of Illinois Grainger College of Engineering

■ Keywords: nanocrystals, cadmium, mercury

■ Abstract:

Awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, quantum dots have a wide variety of applications ranging from displays and LED lights to chemical reaction catalysis and bioimaging. These semiconductor nanocrystals are so small -- on the order of nanometers -- that their properties, such as color, are size dependent, and they start to exhibit quantum properties. This technology has been really well developed, but only in the visible spectrum, leaving untapped opportunities for technologies in both the ultraviolet and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Headline: Researchers examine economic effects on technological advancements of blue hydrogen production

■ Release Date: 2024.7.9

■ Published by: University of Wyoming

■ Keywords: hydrogen, carbon, energy

■ Abstract:

Experience from the deployment of blue hydrogen projects will be helpful in lowering future costs of hydrogen production and will remain cost competitive. Additionally, paired with extended tax incentives for carbon sequestration, costs could be significantly reduced further.

Headline: Could high-temperature single crystals enable electric vehicles capable of traveling up to one million kilometers?

■ Release Date: 2024.7.10

■ Published by: Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH)

■ Keywords: lithium, battery, cathode

■ Abstract:

Researchers unveil a microstructure design guide to enhance the durability of lithium secondary batteries.

Headline: Researchers show promising material for solar energy gets its curious boost from entropy

■ Release Date: 2024.7.10

■ Published by: University of Kansas

■ Keywords: semiconductor, solar, entropy

■ Abstract:

Researchers discovered a microscopic mechanism that solves in part the outstanding performance achieved by a new class of organic semiconductors known as non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs).

Headline: BESSY II shows how solid-state batteries degrade

■ Release Date: 2024.7.10

■ Published by: Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie

■ Keywords: battery, energy, electrolyte

■ Abstract:

Solid-state batteries have several advantages: they can store more energy and are safer than batteries with liquid electrolytes. However, they do not last as long and their capacity decreases with each charge cycle. But it doesn't have to stay that way: Researchers are already on the trail of the causes.

Headline: A new material derived from graphene improves the performance of neuroprostheses

■ Release Date: 2024.7.10

■ Published by: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

■ Keywords: graphene, electrodes, platinum

■ Abstract:

Neuroprostheses allow the nervous system of a patient who has suffered an injury to connect with mechanical devices that replace paralyzed or amputated limbs. A study demonstrates in animal models how EGNITE, a derivative of graphene, allows the creation of smaller electrodes, which can interact more selectively with the nerves they stimulate, thus improving the efficacy of the prostheses.

Headline: Hydrogen flight looks ready for take-off with new advances

■ Release Date: 2024.7.11

■ Published by: Chalmers University of Technology

■ Keywords: hydrogen, heat exchanger, aircraft

■ Abstract:

The possibility of hydrogen-powered flight means greater opportunities for fossil-free travel, and the technological advances to make this happen are moving fast. New studies show that almost all air travel within a 750-mile radius (1200 km) could be made with hydrogen-powered aircraft by 2045, and with a novel heat exchanger currently in development, this range could be even further.

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