
CBCIE Weekly Frontier Selection (11.20-11.26)

CBCIE Time:Nov 27, 2023 14:56 Source:sciencedaily


Headline: Infection-resistant, 3D-printed metals developed for implants

■ Release Date: 2023.11.20

■ Published by: Washington State University

■ Keywords: 3D-printing, tantalum, copper

■ Abstract:

A novel surgical implant was able to kill 87% of the bacteria that cause staph infections in laboratory tests, while remaining strong and compatible with surrounding tissue like current implants. The work could someday lead to better infection control in many common surgeries, such as hip and knee replacements, that are performed daily around the world.  Bacterial colonization of the implants is one of the leading causes of their failure and bad outcomes after surgery. Using 3D-printing technology, the researchers added 10% tantalum, a corrosion-resistant metal, and 3% copper to the titanium alloy typically used in implants. When bacteria come into contact with the material's copper surface, almost all of their cell walls rupture. Meanwhile, the tantalum encourages healthy cell growth with surrounding bone and tissue leading to expedited healing for the patient.

Headline: Research reveals rare metal could offer revolutionary switch for future quantum devices

■ Release Date: 2023.11.20

■ Published by: University of Bristol

■ Keywords: insulator, superconductor, quantum

■ Abstract:

Quantum scientists have discovered a rare phenomenon that could hold the key to creating a 'perfect switch' in quantum devices which flips between being an insulator and superconductor.

Headline: Gold now has a golden future in revolutionizing wearable devices

■ Release Date: 2023.11.20

■ Published by: Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH)

■ Keywords: gold, sensor, nanowires

■ Abstract:

Scientists have pioneered a novel approach to develop intelligent healthcare sensors using various gold nanowires.

Headline: Outlook on scaling of carbon removal technologies

■ Release Date: 2023.11.21

■ Published by: University of Wisconsin-Madison

■ Keywords: carbon removal, carbon capture, carbon storage

■ Abstract:

The research makes it clear that ensuring the sustained well-being of our planet requires a more serious commitment toward new carbon dioxide removal technologies, and a faster scale-up of their production.

Headline: Toward sustainable energy applications with breakthrough in proton conductors

■ Release Date: 2023.11.21

■ Published by: Tokyo Institute of Technology

■ Keywords: conductors, perovskite, fuel cells

■ Abstract:

Donor doping into a mother material with disordered intrinsic oxygen vacancies, instead of the widely used strategy of acceptor doping into a material without oxygen vacancies, can greatly enhance the conductivity and stability of perovskite-type proton conductors at intermediate and low temperatures of 250--400 °C.

Headline: Revolutionary breakthrough in the manufacture of photovoltaic cells

■ Release Date: 2023.11.22

■ Published by: University of Ottawa

■ Keywords: photovoltaic, cells, micrometric

■ Abstract:

Engineers have achieved a world first by manufacturing the first back-contact micrometric photovoltaic cells.

Headline: Chemists use oxygen, copper 'scissors' to make cheaper drug treatments possible

■ Release Date: 2023.11.22

■ Published by: University of California - Los Angeles

■ Keywords: copper, precious metals, oxygen

■ Abstract:

Researchers have devised a way to produce chemicals used in medicine and agriculture for a fraction of the usual cost. Using oxygen as a reagent and copper as a catalyst to break organic molecules' carbon-carbon bonds and convert them into amines, which are widely used in pharmaceuticals. Traditional metal catalysis uses expensive metals such as platinum, silver, gold and palladium, but the researchers used oxygen and copper -- an abundant base metal.

Headline: 'Strange metal' is strangely quiet in noise experiment

■ Release Date: 2023.11.23

■ Published by: Rice University

■ Keywords: quantum, charge, metal

■ Abstract:

Experiments have provided the first direct evidence that electricity seems to flow through 'strange metals' in an unusual liquid-like form.

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