
Blencowe confirms offtake interest from downstream graphite processors

CBCIE Time:Aug 15, 2023 11:22 Source:miningweekly

UK-headquartered graphite developer Blencowe Resources has advised that its 100 t bulk sample testwork programme will be completed by the end of August.

The company appointed graphite technical specialist firm Jilin New Technology, based in China, to conduct the testwork on ore from the Orom-Cross project, in Uganda.

The testwork is a critical component of the project’s definitive feasibility study and has, so far, proven that a high-grade and low impurity concentrate can be delivered in bulk from the project.

The programme serves to demonstrate the full process of producing both large-flake and fines concentrates from the Orom-Cross ores.

Blencowe managed to distribute concentrate samples to potential end-users, following which several large downstream offtake processors have requested meetings to discuss timing and availability of products from the project.

Orom-Cross currently has an indicated and inferred mineral resource of 24.5-million tonnes grading 6% total graphite content.

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