AlloyAlloy> Data Center> Copper Alloy> Import> International Copper Alloy Imports> Imports of Copper, Copper Alloy and High Copper Al
- Import of Copper Alloy Ingot in World and by Country in 2010Jan 15, 2011
- Import of Copper Alloy Ingot in World and by Country in 2009Jan 15, 2010
- Import of Copper Alloy Ingot in World and by Country in 2008Jan 15, 2009
- Import of Copper Alloy Ingot in World and by Country in 2007Jan 15, 2008
- Import of Copper Alloy Ingot in World and by Country in 2006Jan 15, 2007
- Import of Copper Alloy Ingot in World and by Country in 2005Jan 15, 2006
- Import of Copper Alloy Ingot in World and by Country in 2004Jan 15, 2005
- Import of Copper Alloy Ingot in World and by Country in 2003Jan 15, 2004