Reserves of Selenium World and by Country
Output of Selenium the World
Current (Chinese)
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1971Jan 15, 1972
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1970Jan 15, 1971
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1970Jan 15, 1971
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1969Jan 15, 1970
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1969Jan 15, 1970
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1968Jan 15, 1969
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1968Jan 15, 1969
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1967Jan 15, 1968
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1967Jan 15, 1968
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1966Jan 15, 1967
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1966Jan 15, 1967
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1965Jan 15, 1966
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1965Jan 15, 1966
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1964Jan 15, 1965
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1964Jan 15, 1965
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1963Jan 15, 1964
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1963Jan 15, 1964
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1962Jan 15, 1963
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1962Jan 15, 1963
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1961Jan 15, 1962
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1961Jan 15, 1962
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1960Jan 15, 1961
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1960Jan 15, 1961
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1959Jan 15, 1960
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1959Jan 15, 1960
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1958Jan 15, 1959
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1958Jan 15, 1959
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1957Jan 15, 1958
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1957Jan 15, 1958
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1956Jan 15, 1957