Reserves of Selenium World and by Country
Output of Selenium the World
Current (Chinese)
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1987Jan 15, 1988
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1986Jan 15, 1987
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1985Jan 15, 1986
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1984Jan 15, 1985
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1984Jan 15, 1985
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1983Jan 15, 1984
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1983Jan 15, 1984
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1982Jan 15, 1983
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1982Jan 15, 1983
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1981Jan 15, 1982
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1981Jan 15, 1982
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1980Jan 15, 1981
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1980Jan 15, 1981
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1979Jan 15, 1980
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1979Jan 15, 1980
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1978Jan 15, 1979
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1978Jan 15, 1979
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1977Jan 15, 1978
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1977Jan 15, 1978
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1976Jan 15, 1977
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1976Jan 15, 1977
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1975Jan 15, 1976
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1975Jan 15, 1976
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1974Jan 15, 1975
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1974Jan 15, 1975
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1973Jan 15, 1974
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1973Jan 15, 1974
- Output of Metal Selenium in United States in 1972Jan 15, 1973
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1972Jan 15, 1973
- Output of Metal Selenium in the World in 1971Jan 15, 1972