
SK Geo Centric optimizes plastic recycling tech with US company

CBCIE Time:Mar 11, 2023 10:00 Source:kedglobal

SK Geo Centric Co., a South Korean energy and chemical company, is accelerating technical negotiations to build the world's first plastic recycling complex, the Ulsan Advanced Recycling Cluster (ARC).

SK Geo Centric announced on Friday that 12 of its engineers and researchers recently completed modifications and technical consultations at PureCycle Technology's plastic recycling plant in Ohio, optimizing the recycling process for around two months from January this year.

PureCycle is a company that uses chemical recycling technology to extract high-purity recycled polypropylene from waste plastic, removing contaminants, odors and colors.

In October last year, the two companies signed a joint venture agreement and are working toward starting construction of the recycling plant in Ulsan within the year.

Since January, engineers from both companies have spent over 1,000 hours discussing specific technologies through online and offline meetings, conducting various tests to optimize the process for Korean waste plastics.

The Ulsan ARC will aim for commercial production in 2026 and will help to establish a circular economy.

"Through this cooperation, the two companies have optimized the design of the recycling process to suit the characteristics of Korean waste plastics," said Kim Jong-hwa, head of SK Geo Centric's production headquarters.

"We will continue to strengthen the partnership between the two companies and strive for the successful establishment of the Ulsan ARC."

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