

  • Detailed price information

  • Complete data statistics

  • Intuitive trade import and export

  • Localized editing

  • Detailed price information

    Released daily: real-time quotations of various products, price trends, market comments, and summary of ups and downs. You can also browse historical market prices, price index and others information on international quotations, futures and spot markets, average import and export prices, processing fees, freight

  • Complete data statistics

    Price database, real-time market, price trend, summary of ups and downs, capacity, output and inventory, etc. You can also browse reserves, output, sales, consumption, inventory, production capacity, import, export, supply and demand balance and other data

  • Intuitive trade import and export

    Monthly import and export statistics of each product, including import and export status by country, province, and customs, and chart and database processing for import and export flow analysis, volume change analysis, etc. You can also browse the import and export trade of enterprises Data, breakdown of all import and export data information of each product

  • Localized editing

    You can browse the latest data, query historical prices, price trends in different time periods, and automatically update data charts. Furthermore, you can download data charts for localized editing and processing

Purchase consultation

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Service hotline : +86 18135172048

E-mail address :

  • Member service guarantee

    • A trusted source of system-wide information

    • Reliable full-process operati-on links

    • Highly additive and fast iterative in-depth research

    • Systematical and in-depth information full-chain service

  • Contact Customer Service Manager

Member features

Data statistics query

Multi-dimensional data system classified and diversified

  • Product data statistics of the whole industry chain

  • Comprehensive and detailed industry data statistics, include: the world and sub-country, China and sub-region, enterprise data

  • International perspective, national and regional data statistics

  • Columns include: reserves, production, sales, consumption, inventory, production capacity, import and export, balance of supply and demand, data of various countries, data of various regions, data of various enterprises, etc

  • Contact Us

Import and export data information

  • Import and export column Import and export chart

  • Monthly import and export statistics, including data by country, province and customs, and chart and database processing for analysis of import and export flow, volume and energy change analysis, etc.

  • Import average price index Export average price index

  • The import and export content of the enterprise, you can also browse the import and export trade data of the enterprise, subdivide all the import and export data information of each product and historical query, import and export enterprise information

  • Contact Us

Comprehensive collection

purchase process

  • Contact customer service

    Contact customer service by phone

  • Communicate needs

    Identify industry sectors and understand specific needs

  • Learn about membership

    Learn about services and confirm requirement

  • After-sale service

    Issue an invoice and upgrade membership later

  • Activation authority

    Activate authority and enjoy metal information

  • Payment

    Pay member fees and enjoy member services

Purchase Inquiry
Contact Customer Service >
  • Mobile phone : +86 18135172048
  • E-mail address :
  • WeChat : +86 18135172048

Member FAQ

1. Is your website price data accurate? What is the source?

The quotation system is a large platform for tens of thousands of non-ferrous traders to report prices mutually and seek business opportunities. It is also important prices source of our network. At the same time, we have dispatched market analysts in key non-ferrous trading places across the country to feedback the timeliest information of prices and market volatility. Based on product information, CBCIE has a set of detailed basic product information that is constantly supplemented and improved. Based on enterprise information, CBCIE has a set of basic information of company contact information that is constantly supplemented.

2.How many people can use your members at the same time? What about the large number of people in our company?

Senior and VIP members can be used by more than 5 people. We can also adjust the limit according to your needs.

3.How long do you have historical data on your website? We need research topics.

Senior and VIP members can be provided 10 years of historical data. We can also provide more data according to your need.

4.Will the data be updated all the time? Is there any extra charge?

Each platform is equipped with corresponding research institute and data center. Each platform independently develops a large database to research comprehensive data for your personalized needs and continuously expanding specialized data. According to the development of the industry and application of new materials, product iteration can be carried out timely, which is free for members

5.How to purchase your members?

(1) You can purchase it online by clicking "Buy Membership" and you can enter the payment page. If the order is paid successfully, a customer service staff will contact you to check your demand and later submit a report for you within limit.
(2) You can also contact customer service manager to assist you in report purchases.

6.What is the difference between price, senior and VIP memberships?

The VIP membership services: include weekly and monthly in-depth market analysis, price forecast reports, industry big data systems, industry research and visualization charts, which is the most complete service for members.
Senior membership services: include three major database systems, price research charts, real-time price monitoring and market commentary.
Price membership services: include current price, historical price, price trend chart; market analysis and comments, enterprise adjustment and quotation dynamics, etc.

7.Can you issue an invoice after purchase?

Please submit the following information to customer service staff or corporate email
(, and we will issue an invoice for you timely. The information contains
company name, company address and telephone number.

8.I am a regular customer, how can I renew the membership?

You can directly contact the exclusive customer service manager to assist you in renewal process. There are special promotions for regular customers.

Service cases

  • Government agencies
  • Listed companies
  • New materials field
  • Financial institutions
  • Data platforms
  • Investment agencies
  • Consulting agencies
  • Industry associations
  • Colleges & Universities
  • Academic institutions

We have service experience and professional solutions in core industry fields

Contact Us to own metal information
CBC专家咨询 关闭

CS Manager:
Zizhen Zhang

+86 18135172048