- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1989Jan 15, 1990
- Production Capacity of Metallic Copper (Smelting Copper) in the World in 1989Jan 15, 1990
- Production Capacity of Metallic Copper (Smelting Copper) in the World in 1988Jan 15, 1989
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1988Jan 15, 1989
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1987Jan 15, 1988
- Production Capacity of Metallic Copper (Smelting Copper) in the World in 1987Jan 15, 1988
- Production Capacity of Metallic Copper (Smelting Copper) in the World in 1986Jan 15, 1987
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1986Jan 15, 1987
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1985Jan 15, 1986
- Production Capacity of Metallic Copper (Smelting Copper) in the World in 1985Jan 15, 1986
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1984Jan 15, 1985
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1983Jan 15, 1984
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1982Jan 15, 1983
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1981Jan 15, 1982
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1980Jan 15, 1981
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1979Jan 15, 1980
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1978Jan 15, 1979
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1977Jan 15, 1978
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1976Jan 15, 1977
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1975Jan 15, 1976
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1974Jan 15, 1975
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1973Jan 15, 1974
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1972Jan 15, 1973
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1971Jan 15, 1972
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1970Jan 15, 1971
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1969Jan 15, 1970
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1968Jan 15, 1969
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1967Jan 15, 1968
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1966Jan 15, 1967
- Capacity Utilization of Copper Ore in the World in 1965Jan 15, 1966
CBC Copper Product Data Navigation
- Copper Ore Reserves
- Copper Proved Reserves
- Copper Mine Mining Life
- Copper Ore Output
- Copper Output
- Refined Copper Output
- Electrolytic Copper Output
- Smelting Copper Output
- Copper Product Output
- Copper Rod Output
- Copper Busbar Output
- Brass Output
- Phosphor Copper Output
- Copper Alloy Output
- Secondary Copper Output
- Blister Copper Output
- Copper Wire Rod Output
- Copper Products Output
- Copper Wire Demand
- Copper Tube Demand
- Copper Product Demand
- Copper Alloy Demand
- Copper Inventory
- Copper Position
- Copper Scrap Usage Amount
- Refined Copper Inventory
- Copper Ore Production Capacity
- Copper Smelting Production Capacity
- Refined Copper Production Capacity
- Electrowinning Copper Production Capacity
- Copper Concentrate Output
- Refined Copper Usage Amount
- Copper Concentrate Consumption
- Refined Copper Consumption
- Copper Tube and Wire Demand
- Copper Rods, Bars and Profiles Demand